Shantanu, a deep and divisive topic that has been dealt with very well. I liked the writing and it is a thought provoking piece. I am in two minds about whether we should be done with the death penalty. I see all that is wrong with it, but when I put myself in the shoes of a rape victim's parents, I am not able to just say this is wrong. Of course gives rise to deeper questions, like, what is justice? Is it eye for an eye? If not, then how do we ensure that justice is meted out. I don't think much of the death penalty as a deterrent- I feel that most criminals think they can get away with it.
This is a continuation of human rights reforms implemented in Saudi Arabia. Just two days ago, flogging as a form of punishment was abolished, imprisonment or fines are alternative punishments.
Yes it is write Historically, the death penalty used to be enforced across the world, cutting across cultures and religions, for most serious crimes such as murder, and sometimes also for more trivial ones.
Justice as we understand it is always punitive and the death penalty is the ultimate punishment but sadly deals with the past of the person while restorative justice deals with the future of the person.
There is wonderful book called The True American by Anand Girihardas about Raisuddin Bhuyian who was shot in the face at point blank range by an unrepentant Mark Strongman who was awarded the death penalty. Rais survived, helped the man's family and even started a campaign to save Strongman from the death penalty.
The Law has no answer to things like love, mercy and grace. It only comes into effect when things go wrong. The actual question we should ask ourselves is "Do we have the right to kill?"
this is one issue that I struggle with on taking sides.... I can see the validity in the argument that death penalty is not a deterrent, and also see the validity in the argument in the dignity of life, I can also see the validity in the argument that the state has no right to take what it cannot give and that is where my clarity stops....
So far those who have opposed the death penalty have hardly offered a strong defence from the victim and their family's point of view....
The question I keep asking myself is would I still be supporting all the arguments against the death penalty if the victim was my minor child, my wife, my sister or my friend.... That is my striggle
Nirbhaya case, history never forgets!
Least spoken topic, bravely spoken!
Shantanu, a deep and divisive topic that has been dealt with very well. I liked the writing and it is a thought provoking piece. I am in two minds about whether we should be done with the death penalty. I see all that is wrong with it, but when I put myself in the shoes of a rape victim's parents, I am not able to just say this is wrong. Of course gives rise to deeper questions, like, what is justice? Is it eye for an eye? If not, then how do we ensure that justice is meted out. I don't think much of the death penalty as a deterrent- I feel that most criminals think they can get away with it.
This is a continuation of human rights reforms implemented in Saudi Arabia. Just two days ago, flogging as a form of punishment was abolished, imprisonment or fines are alternative punishments.
Never expected Uttar Pradesh to top the list!
Why do they reject the death penalty? Your views?
India needs to learn a lot from Europe in these aspects!!
Very powerful essayy sir,need to learn a lott!
What does "noose" mean?
Very honestly written,true and deep!
Can u explain Project 39A? Look it up on the internet
Yes it is write Historically, the death penalty used to be enforced across the world, cutting across cultures and religions, for most serious crimes such as murder, and sometimes also for more trivial ones.
Justice as we understand it is always punitive and the death penalty is the ultimate punishment but sadly deals with the past of the person while restorative justice deals with the future of the person.
There is wonderful book called The True American by Anand Girihardas about Raisuddin Bhuyian who was shot in the face at point blank range by an unrepentant Mark Strongman who was awarded the death penalty. Rais survived, helped the man's family and even started a campaign to save Strongman from the death penalty.
The Law has no answer to things like love, mercy and grace. It only comes into effect when things go wrong. The actual question we should ask ourselves is "Do we have the right to kill?"
"Crimes are as much about the failure of the state and society as they are about individual choice." Loved this line.
this is one issue that I struggle with on taking sides.... I can see the validity in the argument that death penalty is not a deterrent, and also see the validity in the argument in the dignity of life, I can also see the validity in the argument that the state has no right to take what it cannot give and that is where my clarity stops....
So far those who have opposed the death penalty have hardly offered a strong defence from the victim and their family's point of view....
The question I keep asking myself is would I still be supporting all the arguments against the death penalty if the victim was my minor child, my wife, my sister or my friend.... That is my striggle